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Launch Pad Job Club
Free Membership

Looking for a job is way too scary to do alone. That is why we make it easy to become a member. Simply attend a free meeting – in person or virtually – and fill out our
New Member Form, accessed by clicking the button below.

Once you submit the form you are considered a member and this level of membership will always be a free to support job seekers, which is our core mission.


Welcome to Launch Pad Job Club!

Employment Status (Check One)

( *This is one of your membership perks! )

We look forward to you joining us for a meeting and/or class--for FREE! Please visit the Calendar on our website for upcoming meetings and classes. All Launch Pad events occur on Fridays. We meet in person the 1st and 3rd Fridays, with all other Fridays over Zoom. Meetings are Friday morning; classes are Friday afternoon. Classes are over Zoom.

Welcome to Launch Pad Job Club!

Launch Pad Job Club is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization whose focus is assisting those who are currently seeking employment through our weekly meeting, networking with fellow members, free classes, and through our Leap to Success and Toastmasters programs. We look forward to getting to know you and hope our community support can help you in your quest to land "The Perfect Job".

On-Demand Portal

To access 24/7 content curated with pertinent info and job search tools needed for today’s job search, consider subscribing to our Member Portal.

Click the button below to compare what comes with the Free LPJC Club Membership and the Paid Portal Perks to understand the full benefits of each.

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